Crash at sea of a Valan International aircraft from Moldavia

Publié le 14/10/2017
An aircraft crashed at sea this morning shortly after taking off from Abidjan Felix Houphouët-Boigny international airport in Abidjan.
The aircraft of the Russian manufacturer Antonov suffered damage to the right engine during the push at the end of the take-off procedure.
The Moldavian charter company Valan International Cargo Charter is the owner of this aircraft chartered by the French army. The aircraft was built in 1975.
The aircraft carried 10 passengers and crew. At least 4 people died at the time of this release. Several were rescued.
Température: 24°C
Légères averses
Humidité: 91%
Vent: SW à 14km/h
Détail et prévisions
sam. 27 juil.

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